Germicidal UVC lights

UVC lights - Time to breath pathogen-free air

Recent scientific studies prove a >99.9% effectiveness of germicidal UVC lights. Common in the west, we are offering now cheap and reliable devices for everybody to use everywhere indoors. Inexpensive to operate with low power consumption, these lamps the lamps work by inactivating airborne and surface-bound pathogen, therefore not only against Covid-19 in the current pandemic. Examples include: chickenpox, measles, mumps, and tuberculosis (TB), and cold viruses. The principle is that the DNA and RNA of pathogens like virus and an bacteria is damaged. Therefore, those pathogens cannot reproduce and just die out without causing further harm to humans.

UVC Light is ...

... electromagnetic radiation adjacent to the visible spectrum of visible light towards shorter wavelength. UV lights have more energy than radio waves or visible light but less energy than X-rays.

One is be exposed to UV light through natural sunlight or our lamps. UV light is divided into three classifications:

• UVA (320-400 nm),
• UVB (280-320 nm), and
• UVC (200-280 nm).

UVC light makes that ...

... a photochemical reaction takes place where RNA and DNA bases of pathogens lead to the photochemical fusion of two adjacent pyrimidines into covalent linked dimes. The biochemical structure of the virus gets disturbed and hence the virus cannot reproduce.

UVC radiation has the highest energy portion of the UV radiation spectrum. UVC radiation from the sun does not reach the earth surface because it is blocked by the ozone layer in the atmosphere. Thus, the only way that humans can be exposed to UVC radiation is from an artificial source like our lamps.

Our UVC light tubes ...

... have their peak output at 253.7 nm, which is very very close to the peak effectiveness of germicidal effectiveness. Our UVC light tubes are industry standard, cheap, efficient, and long last to around 8000 hours. And as those are cheap they are also cheap to replace in many years time.

Keep your home, office, shop, bar, and hospital pathogen-free ...

... by hanging or putting our UVC lights. And before you do, please download and read our technical description to know everything and how to safely use our lights. Feel free to read the studies we reference to as well as the opinion of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, the gold standard in the absence of national standards.

Germicidal UVC Lights

Cheap to buy, easy to operate, long-lasting, proven highly effective in scientific studies, low power consumption

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Scientific Foundations, Applications, and Regulatory Framework of UVC-Lights

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