Consumables, Tools, Medtech



We sell hospital consumables at wholesale prices, because we believe nobody should spend too much or be denied treatment, because simple consumables are missing. Consumables also include HIV rapid tests and many more items ! Contact us for quotations and delivery times and for any item not listed here.

We make sure that you get exactly what you need, in a supply-chain and quality level appropriate for medical products. We take meticulous care of storage conditions and certifications as well as expiry dates to make sure that only top-quality reaches patients. For consumables, try to bundle sales with your colleagues to enable us getting extreme volume discounts from manufacturers. You will be surprised how low prices for top consumables can be !



Tools for surgical or dental interventions at good prices. We are wholesalers. Take advantage and ask for anything you cannot find HERE ! These tools are all long-lasting items that will not break. No need to buy quantities.



All our medical equipment is certified and comes at the lowest cost for the customer. Most of the equipment are 24/7 workhorses that require very little or no maintenance other than changing a battery or charging and cleaning. IR thermometers, surgeon lights,  insulin pumps, and arm-wrist blood pressure devices are among these. More complex devices with more complex business models such as in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) analyzers need manufacturer trained technicians to provide maintenance and upgrade service to hospital and their labs. We can provide these services. Contact us and discuss your needs with us.